The Voluson- S8 BT16 has an intuitive user interface as well as built-in automation and advanced software tools, helping you make the most of every day and every exam. Comparable in many ways to the Voluson E8, it provides superior imaging with a reduced entry price. A mid range 4D imaging unit, it offers HD live for the clinical setting as well as those physican offices looking to make a mark with their patients. It is a good mix of price with high level performance.
- Lightweight and easy to move
- High Resolution LCD LED Display 23- inches
- 4 Active Probe Ports
- Automatic Optimization
- 3D Multiplanar Display
- Realtime 4D
- SonoRenderlive
- HDliveTM
- Advanced VCI
- TUI (Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging)
- SonoBiometry
- HD-FlowTM
- Sono L&D
- SonoVCADTMlabor
- SonoVCADheart
- Anatomical M-Mode
- SonoNT TM
- SonoIT
- Wide Sector (Max Angle)
- Coded Contrast Imaging-
- Elastography
- B-FlowTM
- Battery Pack
- Report Editor
- On Board Archive including Preview and Pre-selection