CardioStress- and Wireless X provides state-of-the art care during exercise activities - we care about you and your patients
Simultaneous PC-based ECG (12- lead PC ECG)/PC EKG
Diagnostic Acquisition
WINDOWS: Point & Click User Interface
Real-time 3-, 6- or 12- lead Color Display of ECG/EKG Complex
10 foot Patient ECG / EKG Cable with Locking Replaceable Leads
(plus 3 feet)
Full Patient Demographics and Information
HR with Global Measurements, Complete Interval Values and
ST information
Capture Unlimited ECG/EKG Durations of Patient ECG Data to
Hard Drive, Floppy or any Storage Medium
USB or Notebook (PCMCIA) Formats
User Selectable Lead Formats on Final ECG Report
Print Final Report to Non-fading Laser Hard Copy
Wireless option for Stress Testing
Real-time ECG/EKG Monitoring; 1-, 2-, 3-, 6- or 12- user
Selectable Leads
Complete Test Storage of ECG/EKG Data to Hard Disk,
Floppy or Optical
29 Preprogrammed Protocols with 5 User Defined Protocols
each with 40 Stages
Graphs/Tables: HR and BP Trend, Speed/Grade, Representative beats for all Stages
View/Print Full Disclosure Measurements for all Stages, ST Maximum/ST Average
On-screen Status of Test: Phase Time, Total Time, Speed,
Grade, Target HR, 12- lead ST Levels and Slopes
Report Transmission via Fax or Network
Post Test Review/Editing of ECG Data
Baseline Correction and other Filters to Minimize Motion Artifact
CardioStress- turns any PC into an all-in-one cardiology system. Our Stress ECG has more protocols built in and available than any other system. All systems come with a fully interpretive 12 lead diagnostic Stress ECG, measurements, serial historical comparisons, comprehensive patient charting, databases and more.We now have a
WIRELESSsolution for performing and managing tests while saving money and working with your existing equipment. Our system is EMR compatible with an unlimited database. (combine a medical grade treadmill with your PC ECG Stress for a complete system)
Please review our